The Charlotte News from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

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401111111 4W 411Alma0A4 riTtiette Ibtec71 a 4 'ti4 tiolis 410101446160440w1111 1 li -1 t' is i' 0 41'- 1 1 i st 1 al Cash Here ForiVtovieOpening 2 II 8 iAJ sent a truss section or al households Interviewyrs vim NV I I he 'it ing houses here are IIrs Georgia Iliac and Airs Geraldine IC Kalista WEATHER NEWS EVENTS rrOITOtIr'AIRr wAlkoai k6tWIod04061k o4011 I A' 4 'St ti 1A PI 0 1 1 4 if 'z tl Itit 30 dp iYr Ai 11 Fi 1 ilio oir'' I 2' i II OAVOINK 1 0 -41 0" 6 lrg NP '43 i A iw '1 0" 44-1 i t'''' ifitiw 4 4 j- 1 4 Ilt il i 1 itb 4- 4 ttlieteLe4 4 k'it'' '1061eAu dcnt Nixon's iropoornimcnt of government expenditures and It ti Strothers asmtqaut stale superintendent for suit(' federal relations lead the discussion on prospectS for future federal funding among several education officials from North Carolina Washington DC and Alabama l'he meeting also will consider on its agenda areas of the trcrids of public relations in the schools human relations prospects attitudes and trends expected by the press and a discussion Thursday led by WRT-TV neWSIthin RUSS Ford on "The News Media Looks at Education" CHARLOTTE Fob 12 1973 I tlrefulooft Here's A Summary of Today's Top News Stories Charlotte Lifestyles Payroll? No A payrolltax legislative proposal from the Centralina Council of Governments has received a negative response from Mecklenburg County Commissioners Commissioners however have taken a better view of a motel hotel tax levy proposal by Co( In a meeting Friday afternoon with CO(' director Frank Kivett concerning legislative proposals of the eight-county organization commissioners said they did not agree with the payroll-tax idea which would allow municipalities to levy a tax lin persons who work in one county but live in another Conlmissioners generally agreed however that a local option motel hotel tax another COG legislative proposal was a good idea No formal votes were taken The world In iere of Johnny Cash's "Gospel Road" will be in Charlotte Wednesday for the benefit of the GardncrWebb College Student Aid Fund Cash and his wife June who also stars in the 90-ntinute film will appear at the pre 'Mere The film is the story of the life of Jesus Christ and was filmed in the lloly Land Cash sings several songs during the showing of the film and is on camera a groat deal of the time Mrs Cash plays the part (Jr Mary Magdalene The film will he shown at 8 o'clock Wednesday night at Cinema I at SouthPark A second showing will be at 9:45 pm Admission will be granted first to "sponsors" who have purchased $25 tickets Remaining seats will then be available to anyone present School Seminar Prospects for federal funding of public schools will be among i in for discussion at the Southeastern Regional School Community Relations Confer (rice tomorrow through Thursday at the Downtowner East Sponsored by the North Carolina Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association and the National Assoc i of State Education Department Information Officers the three day conference NVIII be attended by more than 100 school system information officers from 10 southeastern states It took a good sense of humor for a girl to make it all the way to ordination says Rabbi Sally Priesand Page 7A Census Sampling A sample of households in this arca vill take Part in a nationwide survey of employment and unemployment to he conducted the week of February 19-23 by the US Bureau of the Census Potatoes aren't the calorie culprits in 3'our diet the rich sauces and gravies are Page 213 AP Wirephoto Weather Check Fashions made from pretty bed linens will make news at the Southern Living Show Page 2B Rep Marilyn Bissell says she had no idea she'd be leading the Equal i ght Amendment fight when she took office last month Page I Delays cause late start on Superior Court hearing on suits aimed at blocking city's annexation plans Page 113 The survey is taken monthly by the Bureau for the US Department of Labor The households interviewed are scientifically selected to repro- President Nixon looks up at the sky to check the weather as he talks with reporters after attending church service at San Clemente yesterday It has been raining much of the time since Nixon arrived in California Thursday People CALL QUEST The aagotte Swee Once budgetary needs are ironed out for new student assignment plan a metropolitan specialty school and scope of kindergarten program Mecklenburg residents may look for school bond election Page 113 Raymond Gauer national director for Citizens for Decent Literature and guest speaker of Charlotte Central Lions Club says public must speak out against obscene literature and entertainment Page 113 compiled by Judy Gaultney have a friend who has a picture of Elvis in that movie we are going to get it and send it to you We hope you like it Today Charlotte girl is kidnaped and Union County youth is stabbed in violence here Page 1A ONE OF THE pressing matters facing public schools is the prospect of reduced federal funding resulting from Presi William Howard Moreland retired principal of Marie Davis Elementary School and a race relations pioneer dies Page 1B International My wife is the social chairman for the UNCC Distaff Club and the members are having a Las Vegas charity benefit party They need help finding some gaming equipment such as a roulette wheel crap tables etc for loan or rental The party will be In April Can Quest help them find what they need? DB The Charlotte News 9 am to 5 pm Exhibit of serigraphs Carol Ball Galleries Queens College 7:30 pm Citarlotte Me(lical Assistants Assoc auditorium of Charlotte EENT I lospit al: speaker: Dr Roy Bigham chairman of the Mecklenburg County Medical Society Peer Review Committee 7:30 pm Association for Children with Learning Disabilities Rankin Health Center auditorium: speaker: Olee Olsen on "Visual Aspects of Learning Disabilities" open to public 8 pm Basketball: Davidson vs Furman University Coliseum 8 pm Theosophical Society: Unitarian Church Sharon Amity Rd Booken Room Admiral Elmo Zumwalt after pictures were printed showing him kissing the first lady admiral admitted that people just don't reach his rank without kissing some admirals Page 21A Publid daily Sunday at 00 Tryon I CL Bob 240 Char ION NC 21711 Itionnemini Switchanard 310670 Classified Adt 317404 Circulation 3144322 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Single copy Dotty 10c Doh voted by Couto! 60c woott 2 60 a month A We have put you in touch with a man in Matthews who can put on this kind of party for you He furnishes the equipment and the skill plus the personality to make the evening a success As you know gambling for money is illegal in North Carolina so stay away from the green stuff and stick with the plastic chips A mer i can prisoners-of-war are flown to Philippines as exchange begins Cheers and tears mark reaction of home folks as prisoners are released Wife of Davidson man awaits call from her husband All stories on Page Homecoming means different things to different people as first NN a of freed POWs head for home A full page of pictures and stories Page 14A England's Princess Anne is the first member of the royal family to visit aboard a Soviet ship Page 21A Tomorrow NAT'S SY MAIL To Postal Lunn I 2 3 I Month 5110 1 moAths Is 90 Months 11910 I Year 53960 R6166 TO Postal Zsnes 4 5 2 I Furnished Usen Plinvest We want to open a savings account in our baby's name Does he have to have a social security number before we can do this and does he have to be a year old before he can get his number? 1Ve've heard this is the case Sports UiI subesipilant are payable In advance resnients act 3 seat tax Second Clast Postage Hi at Charlotte NC Ail carrlora dealers and distributors art liwithendernt contractors sit the Koight Publishing Co ColloCtion Of subscriptions It oth or than publishod rates Is not authorized A Susan Beaty with First Union National Bank says you or your husband as guardian can open an account for your baby using your social security number if the child does not have one if you'd like to go ahead and get the little fellow's number though you can His age doesn't matter We've asked the social security office to send you an application blank -44 Ir 4 ab Ao st Akr I' Ne1 Nt I -1? 4 17 f''N-14 st41 ize it 1 -)11 4 vr'5iiii if 5 tt 1 40 4k 5 111 7 s9 1 1 11 A 43 11 ozAbla efor-loemor 1 SAAC PALMER MARILYN Arnold Palmer returns to glory with first tournament victory in more than a year in the Bob Hope Desert Classie Page 9A The winner of tonight's Davidson-Furman game here will very likely win the Southern Conference title Page 9A 9 am to 5 pm Exhibit of serigraphs Carol Hall Galleries Queens College 11 am Lecture: Ullmont James director of office of North African and regional affairs in the Agency for International Development of the US State Department On ''Black Aft-lea: a Growing Power" auditorium of Central Piedmont Community College 4 and 7:30 pm Film: "Eclipse" 200 Denny Hall University of North Carolina at Charlotte open to public 6:10 pm Queen City Toastmasters Club American Restaurant 201 Tryon St anyone interested in public speaking encouraged to attend 7 pm Great Decisions participants meeting lounge of Dorm '72 University of North Carolina at Charlotte 730 pm Recovery Inc Mental Health Center 7:30 pm PGA at Randolph Junior High School fashion show by parents and teachers 7:30 pm PTA at Piedmont Junior High School report on "School Unrest" open to public 8 pm Board of Education meeting Board Room Education Center (action session) 8 to 9:30 pm Adult classes in Man's Prehistory by museum director Russ Pcithman and Metal Flowercraft workshop by Mrs Cathy Shonts Nature Museum 8 pm Ice hockey: Charlotte Checkers vs Roanoke Valley Coliseum IF YOU HAVE an event of general interest to be listed send a card to Judy Gaultncy The Charlotte Scene Box 360 Charlotte 28201 Please be sure that it reaches us three days before the date it is to appear Carolinas NC State guard Joe Cafferky de tests his image as a clown Page 9A Portions of the Carolinas still the effects of a weekend snowstorm The Carolina Cougars never get warm in losing to Denver Page 9A Members of the North Carolina legislat ore ponder 1 he question: Is the en er a 1 Assembly representative of the people? The Charlotte Checkers are downed by Suncoast but are they out of the playoffs? Page 10A a I I ney's Charlie Blanton sun prises himself in scoring first major victory in 300-mile stock car race at Daytona Speedway Page 11A Old Lancaster County gold mine site now yields a mineral sold over most of the world Page 20B Authorities say its possible that plane that crashed in Chowan County killing two may have run out of gas The Calendar Notebook Bobby Isaac's Ford balks as Buddy Baker drives his Dodge to the Daytona 500 pole Page 11A Nor Carolina traffic accidents claim eight lives snow holds South Carolina toll to two Clemson coach Tales Locke is fed up with the North-South Doubleheaders and shows his displeasure by pulling his team off the court Page 12A National Learning Problems The Association for Children with Learning Disabilities will meet tonight at 7:30 in Rankin Health Center auditorium Guest speaker Dr Olee Olsen will lecture on "Visual Aspects of Learning Disabilities" The lecture is open to the public Temple Israel The Temple Israel Sisterhood will meet a noon Wednesday at 1014 Dilworth Rd Guest speaker at the luncheon meeting will be Mrs Kathleen Crohy principal of Billingsville School Iler topic will be "Understanding" Jim O'Brien is hot for Maryland against Buffalo but Coach Lefty Brie-sell is cool toward the press Page 12A Showdown shapes up on battle for school funds Page 4A The Weather Will Take A Turn To The Warmer THE EXTREMES: Ye0erday's high 69 at Alice Tex Yesterday's low 11 at Newport Vt By The Hour -30 30 120 0 rS ti' 1 1 1 91 P-4 k-- 4 A 4 4 4t ') 4 it 1 if sral fttri I it 4 ro i 1 I Al 401 1 1 5 0" vr 4ir 10 lit 0 A a lt i 111 1 ji: 41' 4 1 a Silt I 11 1 it 1 i 14 1 4 4 Itt 1 I i st It 1 0 ill a The Money Pro at GAC spells It all out tor you There's no mystery to borrowing at GAO Look at the chart and compare the typical monthly payment schedules Then find a fixed amount each month that won't cramp your budget or the way you like to live When you decide how large a loan meets your specific needs call the Money Pro Or come in and talk it over Either way he'll take the time to spell it all out for you And at the same time he'll help you find a better way to manage your money That's what professional money service is all about at GAO TYPICAL PAYMENT PLAN Amount of No of Amount of ANNUAL PER Total of the Loan Months Mo Payment CENTAGE RATE Payments $100822 12 9100 15 $1092 00 201931 36 7000 15 252000 301825 48 8400 15 403200 403533 60 9600 15 576000 500000 60 118 94 15 713640 insurance avrfilable at addittonal cost When money will help you see the Money Pro ticp GAC i Loans $900 to $5000 GAC Financial Mortsage Service Inc CHARLOTTE 3621 InciPpondence Blvd Phone 535-3250 GASTONIA 302 Main St Phone R65')2 KANNAPOLIS 147 West Ave 'hone 933-1156 0177 Table of temperatures for the 24 hours ending at noon today: 22 40 11 4-4 1 PM 35 2 31 3 38 3 8 38 P't ITV)1 'N'' 1 -20 Data From NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE 101 NOAA US Dept of Commerce di L-17 11" 10 474- 601111A Afilkillilhir ht idlippopd 20 a 411j lit 111 ell go 411- 11141110) VP" arr I (74 1 tilA 30 Vir All in 6 I I 1 11111 Showers I howers EZI 0 40 Snow sn 1 cow Y1 lth cyler-1 fcz-" I4ii 11 I I Weatherman Jim Davis pre diets warmer weather for the area after record breaking temperatures were recorded over the state last night Charlotte's 12 degrees last night didn't break its record of 11 degrees in 1889 but Raleigh broke a record with a low of 7 degrees and Columbia SC with a low of 5 degrees Miami had a low of 45 degrees The high pressure system I hat brought the artic temperatures is now over the eastern seaboa Weatherman Davis says that a low pressure system that is nONV over Colorado is moving east to bring warmer temperatures from the Gulf and we should see a change by this fternoon 24 22 22 21 19 12 18 24 26 28 31 4 pm 5 pm 6 pm 7 pm 8 pm 9 pm In pm 11 PM Micimght 36 34 27 30 28 26 21 4111 1 AM 2 8m 3 am 8 5 8m am 7 cm 8 am 9 am 10 am 11 a 12 Noon WEATHER STATION Greensboro GtvilleSC aleigh Savannah Wilmington 1 1 Mtv 'Tel Iwkl I CAROLINA STATION Asheville 46 13 Augusta 4h 9 Charleton 36 17 Charlotte 39 16 Columbia 43 3 37 11 4 19 35 7 43 19 31 15 Low I 50 Flurries 1Xxxl 50 Fl 40 ZrzVc0 l'Ic cr lik rs FORECAST Rol I 4vtlit1 40' 50 Figures Show low Temperatures Expected Until Tuesday Morning FORECAST 50 Figures Show low Temperatures Expectedf Until Tuesday Morning Forecast '4 RM e--r'vi W4RM14 Isolated Precipitation Not Consult Local Forecast THE WEATHER ELSEWHERE SOUTH Phgenx 67 47 15 Plata 45 25 PtidOre 47 36 Worth 55 48 St Lk 40 35 29 Jack'sde 51 30 Diego 65 54 53 Lousvie 35 21 Fran 56 50 32 Memphs 41 33 Seattle AR 40 Miami Si 42 MIDWEST prim 51 32 Pismark 40 11 Richmd 36 13 Putalo 14 7 01 Tampa 55 33 Chcgo 30 EAST inati 13 16 Albany 15 5 Cleveld 24 7 Bostn 22 13 Moins 34 27 York 26 10 22 14 Phila 24 7 Inch 30 15 Pitsbrgh 24 7 Kan Cly 43 35 PildMe 16 9 Milwke 26 16 Washglin 33 13 MpisSIP 30 29 WEST OkiCty 49 43 Athugue 39 31 Omilhi9 30 31 Boise 44 30 Rgel Cty 55 23 Washqin 33 13 St Los 36 22 Helena 33 13 01 HAWAII AgIrt 63 55 Al Honig 60 70 highs upper 40s to low 50s Precipitation probability near zero today and tonight 20 per cent tOITIOITOW made surface on 20 to 30-inch base good to very good Sapphire Valley: 5-inch manmade surface on 18-ineh base excellent EXTENDED NC FORECAST Wednesday through Friday: Chance of rain On Wednesday clearing on Thursday fair on Friday Highs will range from the upper 30s in the mountains to the low 50s on the coast Lows in the 205 In the West ranging to the 30s In the east Excess for month: 196 Excoss for year 257 TIDES AT MYRTLE BEACH TOMORROW Hioh 6J11 4:41 nm Low 1017 am: 1046 LOCAL LAKE LEVELS Full Pond Water Elev Level Down Norman 760 991 9 Mt Island 6475 956 44 Wylie 5694 977 23 cull pond elevation is In feet above sea level Water level figure is based on 100 representing full pond Readings are made doily ODDS ON RAINtt For Charlotte and Vicinity near zero Ionian? 20 per cent tomorrow I NOBTII CAROLINA: Tides somewhat above normal with heavy surf and considerable beach erosion continuing along the Outer Banks with shallow coastal flooding likely Sunny this afternoon with highs mostly in the 40s Fair tonight wept increasing cloudiness mountains Lows in the 20s Mostly cloudy mountains increasing cloudiness elsewhere I omorrow with highs in the 40s to the lower 50s SOUTH CAROLINA: Sunny today IR4lis around 50 Fair and cold tonight Lnu (lir' 20s Increasing cloudiness and warmer tomorrow Highs in the 50s 0 MOUNTAINS: Sunny lodaY with highs in the 4(k Increasing cloudiness and not as cold on ight with lo WS in the 20s Mostly cloudy tomorrow Facts And Flpres The Thermometer Ski Reports Beech mountain: 2-inch manmade surface on 15 to 30-inch base good to excellTnt Sugar Mountain: 30 to 60 inches good Seven Devils: 10-inch man-mile surface 0n 10 to 30-inch base excellent Appalachian: 9-inch manmade surface on 36 to 42-inch hae excellent Hound Ears: 3 inch manmade stirface on 48-inch base excellent Cataloochcc: 6in man Prince Charles Sails PLYMOUTH Prince Charles heir to Brit ain's throne sailed today for Bermuda and the We4 Indies aboard the Royal Navy frigate Minerva in which he is serv ing as a sublieutenant Sunset today 603 pm Sunrise tomorrow 7:12 am Moonrise 109 pm Moonset 3:02 am RELATIVE HUMIDITY Noon 30 per cent WIND: Noon riw 4 mph SEA LEVEL PRESSURE: Non 19 PRECIPITATION SUMMARY: Total 'for 24 hours ending at cm: Total for moth: 340 Normal for month: 355 TEMPERATURE SUMMARY: Highest yesterday 39 owest this morning 12 Average yesterday 30 Normal yesierday 41 Deficiency for month 11 Deficiency for year 113 Highest on record this date 72 In 1961 Lowest on record this date 11 In 1899 F) I.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.