Tier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (2024)

This is a guide to obtaining the ‘T0.5 set‘, ‘Dungeon Set 2‘, or officially, ‘High Level Armor‘ upgrades in WoW Classic. These tier set revamps were originally introduced in patch 1.10 as a means of providing non-raiders with a challenging end-game goal. The quest lines are actually pretty insane but very rewarding nonethelessTier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (1)


Tier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (2)

First of all it’s worth noting that the road to fully upgrading your T0 gear to T0.5 is no joke. You’ll need a lot of time, plenty ofTier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (3), and a few determined friends to help you along the way. So ask yourself first why you want to embark on this adventure, and will you find it worthwhile considering the investment you will be making.For example, the end-game raider isn’t going to be interested in T0.5 because the actual stats on T0.5 aren’t much better than those of T0, and your pre-raiding BiS gear will not make use of the entire T0 set to begin with anyway. Most raiders will prefer to get as much pre-raid BiS as they can and then start on obtaining T1 pieces (or the entire set for those classes that benefit most from set bonuses).

So do bear in mind that this is more of a vanity or collectable venture and has little to do with efficient progression. Also, remember that T0.5 sets were introduced in patch 1.10 – Blizzard have not yet specified where the T0.5 tier sets will fall in their official content plan. As a result, we don’t know if this will be available on release or at a later date in their schedule.

Now that’s out of the way – still interested? Hell yeah! You canuse our tier sets gallery toolto look at T0.5 renders on any race, class, and gender combination to see what your T0.5 upgrade could look like.

These sets look beautiful and will appeal to a huge number of players who choose not to dive into raiding content at all for WoW Classic. It’s the perfect challenge for a small guild or group of friends who want to augment their T0 sets and follow a fun and lengthy quest chain.

Here’s an example of the Warrior’s T0 set ‘Valor’ next to its T0.5 upgraded version ‘Heroism’ on a female Orc. Note that it’s not just a recolour – there are also subtle texture differences too.


The following are the basic requirements and cautionary notes for the chain:

  • Your character must be at least level 58 to grab the first quest
  • Your character must have all of the Dungeon Tier Set 1 (or T0) items in their possession. Remember that most of these are BoP drops with the exception of the bracers, gloves and belt slots which are BoE.
  • Upon receiving an upgrade, your old T0 items will bereplacedwith the new ones
  • If you have more than one set of T0, keep one set in the bank or theywill be consumed upon quest completion
  • You’ll want to start withTier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (6)200 (or more, if you want to expedite process by purchasing mats off the AH)
  • Be at leastHonoredreputation with theArgent Dawnand at leastFriendlywithCenarion Circle. The higher you are with CC the easier some parts of the quest chain will be (obtaining CC rep vendor items and twilight mats etc.)
  • You can obviously only obtain the T0.5 rewards for your class, even though tooltips make no mention of class restriction
  • I’d recommend beginning the quest line with a group of friends and progressing together – preferably a dungeon group consisting of aTier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (7)Tank, aTier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (8)Healer, and threeTier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (9)DPS as you will be doing some very tough dungeon clears

And here’s a pre-questing shopping/collection list if you want to make for superefficientturn-ins. Most can be bought off other players or the AH. Youdon’tneed to get these before you begin – as you will be traveling through the areas in which they reside anyway.


Tier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (10)

The epic quest arc comprises of 28 steps in total and takes you through all of the high level world zones and dungeons in the game, rewarding you with upgrades for various armor slots along the way in the same order regardless of class or faction. The quest types vary in nature (gathering, boss kill, dungeon quest) etc. and therefore are best completed in groups also working towards a T0.5 upgrade.
The following subsections are not intended to be a summary of the events or storyline – wouldn’t want to spoil it for you entirely after all! They are merely notes in one form or another that can help you along with each quest if you are having trouble with something or want to make preparations beforehand – shopping lists, locations, and other pertinent information.

An Earnest Proposition

IfAlliance: Quest given byDelianain Ironforge’s High Seat.
Collect 15Winterspring Blood Sample– good drop rate fromFrostsaber HuntressandFrostsaber Stalkerin the North ofWinterspring. You’ll also need to return20g.

IfHorde: Quest given byMokvarin Orgrimmar’s Grommash Hold.
Collect 15Silithus Venom Samplewhich drops fairly often fromStonelash Flayer,Rock Stalkerand other Scorpids inSilithus. You’ll also need to return20g.

Bracers upgraded.

A Supernatural Device

Take the

Sealed Blood Container(Alliance) or

Sealed Venom Container (Horde)toMux ManascramblerinGadgetzan, Tanaris.

The Ectoplasmic Distiller

BringMux Manascramblerthe following:

Hunting for Ectoplasm

NB: Whilst you’re in Winterspring, if you haven’t gotFel Elemental Rodyet, pay a visit toVi’elnear Darkwhisper Gorge as you’ll need it for the next step. It costs40g.

Locations of mobs that drop the ecto:

Scorched Ectoplasm:Tortured DruidandTortured Sentinelin Silithus around 62,52.
Frozen Ectoplasm:Suffering HighborneandAnguished Highbornein Winterspring around 52,42.
Stable Ectoplasm:Eyeless Watcher,Death Singer,Hate Shrieker,Unseen ServantorTorn Screamerin E Plaguelands around 60,68 – 77,51 – or 71,35.


Pull a big group of mobs, isolate and kill non-ecto dropping mobs, then drop theEctoplasmic Distillerand useGoblin Rocket Fuelto AoE down the pack.

Both your character and the mobs have to be inside the radius (13 yards) of the distiller to loot the goo, which has to be looted immediately or it disappears.

A Portable Power Source

KillMagma Lord Bokkin Burning Steppes (around 35,57 west of the Pillar of Ash) and lootMagma Core.

A Shifty Merchant

Give Mux theFel Elemental Rod.

Return to Deliana/Mok’var

In IF/Org depending on faction.

Just Compensation

Belt and Gloves upgraded.

In Search of Anthion

UseExtra-Dimensional Ghost Revealeroutside the entrance to Stratholme (meeting stone) in E Plaguelands to reveal his ghost. Talk to him to continue the quest chain.

Dead Man’s Plea

So this is one of the toughest challenges in the whole arc and is known as the ‘Strat 45 dead run’. Basically your group has toengage(note, not kill)Baron Rivendarewithin 45 minutes of entering Stratholme.

You’ll want to have, as I mentioned at the beginning, a very solid 5 man team with good communication. One mage as DPS can solo the trash inside a ziggurat speeding things up a fair bit. Paladins tank Strat very well with holy damage.

You won’t have time to loot trash, bosses, or roll on greens. Just plough through it as fast as you can, moving from one mob to the next and only stopping if you healer is OOM. You don’t have to pull every single trash pack if you don’t need to.

To save time, enter through the side gate (wellto the East of the main gate!) and have in your possessionKey to the Cityalready to be able to unlock the gates leading in.

Strategic maps of Strathome
Tier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (12)
Tier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (13)

You’ll start off in the Gauntlet at entrance B (first map). Pull order suggested as per the second map. Clear out the three mini-bosses in the Ziggurats located at 10, 11 and 12 (first map). This will open the gate to Slaughter Square and allow you to take on Baron. Good luck with the timing and of course maybe the mount will drop

Tier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (14)

An interesting note is that completing the quest provides 1000 rep with Argent Dawn, and an additional 300 rep if the girl survives.

Proof of Life

Ysida gives you aYsida’s Satchelcontaining elixirs and potions. She also provides you withYsida’s Locketwhich you take back toAnthion Harmonoutside Strat (remember to equip the revealer if he’s not there).

Anthion’s Strange Request

GiveAnthion Harmonthe following:

Anthion’s Old Friend

Take theIncomplete Banner of ProvocationtoFalrin Treeshaperin the Library at Dire Maul. The Library can be accessed from either the West or North wings. You’ll need theCrescent Keyto be able to transit from North wing, through the Library, to the West wing, and visa versa. Otherwise you’ll need a group to clear DM.

Tier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (15)

Falrin’s Vendetta

Remaining in DM and going to a fresh wing (W if you entered N or visa versa), or by farming outside of DM (at a very low drop rate though), collect 25Ogre Warbeadsand bring them back to Falrin.

The Instigator’s Enchantment

Bring Falrin the following:

With any luck theJeering Spectre’s Essencewill have already dropped for you from the spirits in Dire Maul.

The Challenge

Go to BRD: Ring of Law and use theBanner of Provocationwhilst being sentenced. This will spawnTheldrenwho drops the quest item.

Anthion’s Parting Words

Head back to Anthion in the E Plaguelands and he will give you a class specific speech and then send you back to IF/Org for your rewards.

Legs, Boots and Shoulders upgraded.

Bodley’s Unfortunate Fate

Go to Blackrock Mountain and use theExtra-Dimensional Ghost Revealeron the balcony outside the URBS entrance to reveal Bodley.

The Three Kings of Flame

The first two ‘kings’ are relatively easy. First of all go to BRD and killLord IncendiusforIncendicite of Incendius. Then go to UBRS and killPyroguard EmberseerforEmber of Emberseer.

The third ‘king’,The Duke of Cynders, who dropsCinder of Cynders, is on the other hand a huge pain in the ass to summon. There are four options available to you.

1. Scan the AH forScroll: Create Signet of Beckoningand then gather the mats to createSignet of Beckoning: Fireto summon him
2. Or, turn inEncrypted Twilight Textsrepeatedly and hope that he mails you aScroll: Create Signet of Beckoning, create aSignet of Beckoning: Firethen summon him
3. Alternatively scan the AH for a ready-made (but likely to be rare and expensive)Signet of Beckoning: Fireto summon him
4. Go the low-success but cheap route byfollowing these instructionsto acquire all of the build-up materials yourself and then have a 20% chance to summon him at the very end.

Finally, you’ll need to buy aHallowed Brazierfrom anArgent Quartermaster. The cost is120g if you are Honored with the Argent Dawn.

Components of Importance/The Left Piece of Lord Valthalak’s Amulet

Basically you need to get your hands onLeft Piece of Lord Valthalak’s Amuletto complete this chapter of the epic arc.

To do that, four different quests exist (which all eventually end up with you returning the amulet) – but he’ll only give you one of these four quests – it’s chosen randomly. The four possible quests he chooses from are:

Tyr’s Hand

Go to Eastern Plaguelands and farmScarlet Praetorianuntil theBrilliant Sword of Zealotrydrops. Return to Bodley and he will send you to Stratholme (live side) where you can then summon and killJarien/Sothoswho will drop theLeft Piece of Lord Valthalak’s Amulet.

Purgation Isle

FarmCursed Paladin,Cursed JusticarandWrithing Mageon Purgation Isle (South West of the Hillsbrad Foothills at sea). Return to Bodley and he will send you to Scholomance, where you can then summon and killKormok, who drops theLeft Piece of Lord Valthalak’s Amulet.


Head to Hive’Regal in Silithus and farm the elite insects there forDruidical Remains. Return them to Bodley and you’ll be sent to LBRS to summonMor Grayhoofin the room of War Master Voone who will drop theLeft Piece of Lord Valthalak’s Amulet.

Starbreeze Village

Obtain aStarbreeze Village Relicfrom aFrostmaul GiantorFrostmaul Preserverin the south of Winterspring (Gorge) and return it to Bradely. He’ll then send you to DM: East where you can summon and killIsalienwho drops theLeft Piece of Lord Valthalak’s Amulet.

I See Alcaz Island In Your Future

Head toDustwallow Marshand farm the elite Naga on Algaz Island (east of the coast) for 20Bloodkelp. You’ll find some in the baskets too. Try and swim from the mainland coast to the island from a directly West to East direction – this keeps you in shallow water and reduces the risk of dying of fatigue.

More Components of Importance/The Right Piece of Lord Valthalak’s Amulet

Again, you can be offered one of the four random quests as described above. Eventually you’ll end up with theRight Piece of Lord Valthalak’s Amuletand be able to continue.

Final Preparations

Provide Bodley with:

The bracers drop from mobs in LBRS, UBRS, and the passageways in Blackrock Mountain leading to the Blackrock Spire dungeon entrance.

Mea Culpa, Lord Valthalak

Go to the Beast’s room in URBS and summon Lord V using theBrazier of Beckoning. Bring someFree Action Potionwith you and use them in anticipation when Lord V spawns adds (Spectral Assassins) – they cast a 10-second stun on a random party member and this could devastate you if you aren’t expecting it.

AMagic Resistance Potionis very useful especially for his last phase, and if you have a Warrior its a good idea to spamDisarm.

Return to Bodley

On returning to Bodley he’ll reward you with theBrazier of Invocation, which you can use to summon any of the previous bosses from the quest chain every 10 minutes. You can farm them for loot which is pretty nice – they drop some of the strangeIronweave Battlesuitset items too.

Back to the Beginning/Saving the Best for Last

Head back to IF/Orgrimmar and pick up the last upgrades. Well done

Tier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (16)

Chest and Head upgraded. Set complete!


This section is for those wondering what the actual total stats differences between T0 and T0.5 are. You can use theBase Stats Calculatorto analyse these stats differences further. There aren’t really any huge jumps in stats as you can see – T0.5 aren’t raid sets after all. Set bonuses remain identical but are reversed in order as you upgrade, and some interesting class-specific bonuses come into play with certain items.


Tier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (17)

T0:Wildheart Raiment
T0.5:Feralheart Raiment
Total Stats


Armor: 1178
Strength: 26
Agility: 12
Stamina: 65
Intellect: 122
Spirit: 110
Spell Power: 15
MP5: N/A
Attack Power: 26
Resists: +8 to all
Misc: When struck in combat has a chance of returning 300 mana, 10 rage, or 40 energy to the wearer.


Armor: 1247
Strength: 86
Agility: 64
Stamina: 95
Intellect: 112
Spirit: 85
Spell Power: 92
MP5: 8
Attack Power: 26
Resists: +8 to all
Misc: When struck in combat has a chance of returning 300 mana, 10 rage, or 40 energy to the wearer.


Tier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (18)

T0:Beaststalker Armor
T0.5:Beastmaster Armor
Total Stats


Armor: 2247
Agility: 138
Stamina: 90
Intellect: 48
Spirit: 49
Strength: 20
Hit: N/A
Crit: N/A
Pet health: N/A
Pet armor: N/A
Pet damage: N/A
Pet crit: N/A
Attack Power: 40
Resists: 8 to all
Misc: Normal ranged attacks have 4% chance of restoring 200 mana


Armor: 2396
Agility: 157
Stamina: 113
Intellect: 69
Spirit: N/A
Strength: N/A
Hit: 1%
Crit: 1%
Pet health: 3%
Pet armor: 10%
Pet damage: 3%
Pet crit: 2%
Attack Power: 40
Resists: 8 to all
Misc: Normal ranged attacks have 4% chance of restoring 200 mana


Tier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (19)

T0:Magister’s Regalia
T0.5:Sorcerer’s Regalia
Total Stats


Armor: 691
Intellect: 167
Spirit: 79
Stamina: 66
Spell Power: 23
Spell Penetration: N/A
Crit: N/A
Hit: N/A
Resists: +8 to all
Misc: When struck in combat has a chance of freezing attacker in place for 3 sec


Armor: 728
Intellect: 145
Spirit: 72
Stamina: 104
Spell Power: 130
Spell Penetration: 20
Spell Crit: 1%
Spell Hit: 1%
Resists: +8 to all
Misc: When struck in combat has a chance of freezing attacker in place for 3 sec


Tier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (20)

T0:Lightforge Armor
T0.5:Soulforge Armor
Total Stats


Armor: 3822
Strength: 94
Stamina: 116
Intellect: 68
Spirit: 69
Agility: 22
Spell Power: N/A
MP5: N/A
Crit: N/A
Spell Crit: N/A
Attack Power: 40
Resists: +8 to all
Misc: Chance on melee attack to increase Spell Power by up to 95 for 10 sec


Armor: 4087
Strength: 98
Stamina: 106
Intellect: 104
Spirit: 44
Agility: N/A
Spell Power: 94
MP5: 12
Crit: 2%
Spell Crit: 1%
Attack Power: 40
Resists: +8 to all
Misc: Chance on melee attack to increase Spell Power by up to 95 for 10 sec


Tier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (21)

T0:Vestments of the Devout
T0.5:Vestments of the Virtuous
Total Stats


Armor: 691
Intellect: 134
Spirit: 115
Stamina: 71
Spell Power: 23
Crit: N/A
MP5: N/A
Resists: +8 to all
Misc: When struck in combat has a chance of shielding wearer with a shield that absorbs 350 damage.


Armor: 728
Intellect: 115
Spirit: 96
Stamina: 108
Spell Power: 120
Crit: 1%
MP5: 27
Resists: +8 to all
Misc: When struck in combat has a chance of shielding wearer with a shield that absorbs 350 damage.


Tier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (22)

T0:Shadowcraft Armor
T0.5:Darkmantle Armor
Total Stats


Armor: 1178
Agility: 157
Strength: 43
Stamina: 87
Spirit: 36
Crit: N/A
Hit: N/A
Attack Power: 40
Resists: 8 to all
Misc: Chance on attack to restore 35 Energy


Armor: 1247
Agility: 184
Strength: 57
Stamina: 97
Spirit: N/A
Crit: 1%
Hit: 2%
Attack Power: 40
Resists: 8 to all
Misc: Chance on attack to restore 35 Energy
Misc: Increases effective Stealth level


Tier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (23)

T0:The Elements
T0.5:The Five Thunders
Total Stats


Armor: 2247
Intellect: 110
Stamina: 64
Strength: 43
Spirit: 108
Agility: 15
MP5: N/A
Spell Power: 23
Spell Crit: N/A
Resists: +8 to all
Misc: Chance on spell cast to increase Spell Power by up to 95 for 10 sec

Five Thunders:

Armor: 2296
Intellect: 112
Stamina: 113
Strength: 63
Spirit: 73
Agility: N/A
MP5: 12
Spell Power: 119
Spell Crit: 2%
Resists: +8 to all
Misc: Chance on spell cast to increase Spell Power by up to 95 for 10 sec


Tier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (24)

T0:Dreadmist Raiment
T0.5:Deathmist Raiment
Total Stats


Armor: 691
Intellect: 118
Spirit: 95
Stamina: 114
Spell Power: 23
Spell Crit: N/A
Spell Hit: N/A
Resists: +8 to all
Misc: When struck in combat has a chance of causing attacker to flee in terror for 2 seconds


Armor: 728
Intellect: 138
Spirit: N/A
Stamina: 157
Spell Power: 124
Spell Crit: 1%
Spell Hit: 2%
Resists: +8 to all
Misc: When struck in combat has a chance of causing attacker to flee in terror for 2 seconds


Tier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (25)

T0:Battlegear of Valor
T0.5:Battlegear of Heroism
Total Stats


Armor: 3822
Strength: 110
Stamina: 131
Agility: 56
Spirit: 35
Crit: N/A
Hit: N/A
Defense: N/A
Resists: 8 to all
Attack Power: 40
Misc: Chance on attack to heal for 88 to 132


Armor: 4087
Strength: 138
Stamina: 150
Agility: 50
Spirit: N/A
Crit: 2%
Hit: 2%
Defense: 15
Resists: 8 to all
Attack Power: 40
Misc: Chance on attack to heal for 88 to 132

Tier 0.5 Quest Chain Guide - WoW Classic - Warcraft Tavern (2024)


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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.