The Times-Democrat from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

Omts-Sicmocnif: Hfonbiirj, Ulan 1, 1H0B. ORIIER4 MISUNDERSTOOD. DAY AT BIRMINGHAM MR.C0KTELY01TS VIEWS mm ii ii time In many years that the office were en for business on uuday, as there vss great picking for those who went after tLe policies given op by the Traders. That company had enough patronage in 11 1 I I 1 II u. i -j 1 i 'SC1 I ''Ill i Id i -Vs if 1 1 i it I- it I Si I Til I 'Cv -Photo by (lined Inst.

TILLMAN SENATOR BENJAMIN R. of South Carolina, 'Who has been in cJ Large of the Railroad Rate Regulation Ell in the Senate. Eaarineer Blamed for Reeent Wrfrk on tbe Peansy I vaala. Altooiia. May 6.

The official report of the collision Friday nlijtht between the east-bound Chicago mail train and th- and St. Louis on the Petersburg cat-off of the 't roil I. which ransed th Icith of tea persons and the Injury of many ethers, i.i.vs the on Engineer J. T. Dougherty, who wis haa'iig the train.

I'e was given orders t- nt the of true at to lemlr'und tram to he the order i i a te sinirl- tra-'it. Ktiii.iecr ih'Uher'y the report savs, hut thi: he had a mistake when fore -lals for nomination. i injured at tie Altoon.i hospital are Join weil an i a-e on the n.a to re- PR 1 1 II 1 i 1 I ET A I LS Letter Received from Adjnlnnt General of Georgia Division. The following fron JoUn W. WW.

-ox. -Vijtitant General of he Georgia Division, was received by an o.d friend in this city jester lar: "The (ieoriia Dit Ulott are warm la their prrtise- of ail of the reunion. Consrraf 'ihitimn are ie ll of the committers l.v the Division, and we shiil ever New Orleans and Its plorious women who made our visit so pleasant." Gen. Wilcox a member of the Washington Artilterv and gallantly during the war with that command. FOIl Fill MO SUFFERERS.

By order of Bishop Rouiel, the morning offertory In all the Catholic churches yesterday wlii be devot to the San Francisco suiTerers. It could not be learned yesterday Just bow gnerous the contribution was. but the jnds will be turned in to-day to Chauce lor Scotti. and wi.l i forwarded in rue name of Btshop. Uouxel the archi Lshop of San Francisco.

The money la foe the reload. of dest roved church, property there brtt if ther should be the neemtstty for relief log prensinj wants, it will used for that STILL AFTEJl CMLN MBN. Sli W'iaur. Too. Has Grievaae Against Frank Brown.

Another charge of robbing a Chinaman has been made against Fraxik Brown, a negro whose specialty In crime Is deprrr-Ing Mongolians of the results of many hard days' washings. Saturday Sing Wing, a Chlnanan of 213i Baryou Road street. Identified Brown a a negro who had robbed him of IT oi Monday. April tfx Aa additional charge rwor-liae-fy was made against Brown. MISS WILLIAMS WINS.

At an Informs) contest for the alomnl medal the Oolieife of Oratory, he'd Friday nht, tn tbe eoCege el ass rooms la Canal street. Mis Edna William proved the victor, with an original essay on "Art a i.d Nature." KNIGHTS GIVE EtCIIRE. New Orleans Council No. TM, Knights of Columbus, will give a euchre party at the French Unim Hail Wednesday night, Mav 23. A number of baisdsMTte prizes will be awarled.

There ill be dancing and refreshrienta. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH FLAN S. At a large meeting of tbe congregatloe of the First Baptlat Church yesterday, plans were discussed for carrylns; forward the construction of the new church building at St. Charles and Delechaise street. Su3eient additional funds were pledged yesterday to assure the erection cf the bulldiog.

Architects are already preps r-inir the and the contract wfil soon be awarded for the tractor. CJ Over forty different makes of i. 11 1 1 1A i Ufc A IVy VIA V. market. CJ Only one hii received the endorsem*nt of the world's greatest musicians.

CJ Only one i as well known ia London, Riria, Berlin and St. Petersburg' as it is in York or San Francisco. CJ Only one lias the Metrostyle, whkh insure artistic expression, in add. tion to correct technique. That One is The Pianola s7 Tte Pi.inoU bas a greater ssts anil popularity than all the other piano piajers put together.

No i ther Is ent1 to the use of the name -piaaol" a caution made necessary by tte fact that the great snrremacy of the Piaioia ha led some to suppose that tbe word applies to any lnstrumett playing the piano by means of perforated cms rolls. There Is but one Pianola made only by tho Aeoian Company, and oM ta this section only by ii LIU It Vi villf JS. Limited, 614-616 Canal St. DR. niLES ANTI-PAIN PILLS are cheap, convenient, certain and harmless.

Cheap, as one lose ia usually sufficient to relieve the pain. Convenient, being little table's that yo caa always carry and take a yon would a loaenge. Certain. l-ecaue ttf cure by aoothlcf the irritated nerves. Harmless, as they contain no harmfil dmgs.

5 doses, 25 reefs Vvee so'-l in b'l'V 63 iCA OAX3fc Monday, May 7. If You expect to travel this Slimmer if only for a short trip youTll need some new travelling comfort a trunk or bag or maybe any of the thousand little things that help make travel a luxury. Steamer Trunks as low as $5.50 Dress Trunks as low f.5 Wanlrobe Trunk 1 f30 to $72 Leather Suit Caws as low as 4 Club and Oxford Kasjs $2.50 np Prices tell little or nothing of the real merit in these goods here. LEON GODCIIAUX CLOTHING Ltd. Canul Street, Owner Caaxtrea.

VI of i piii VISITING METHODIST MINISTERS FILL MAN PI LPITS. Many Prominent Men Mentioned In Connection with FillinaC wl Varaneles In College HUhons Vice President Fairbanks to Address the Conference Friday Special to Tae Times-Democrat. Birmingham, May. t'ollius Denny, professor of the theological of Vanderbilt University; J. J.

Ti-gert, book editor of the church aud 11 tor of the Quarterly Review; W. F. Me- Murry, pastor of the Ceiitciiiiry Church, St. Louis, James Adkioi of North Carolina, Sunday school editor, headinar- ters In Nashville, Seih ard, I Texas, assistant missionary secretarj, i headquarters Nashville; J. C.

Kilore, president Trinity College, North Carolina. and W. B. Murniii. president Millsaisi College.

Jackson. Mis. Thefe are the strong men in the Meta- dit Episcopal Church, South, conference now In session la, who are considered as material for election to tke position of bishop. It Is firmly believed that at least two of these men will be selected to tbe bUb position mentioned, during this session. If not four of them.

It ia possible that other men, and strong n-n, too, sitting in tbe conference, will be elected, but the eyes of the conference and those watching the workings of th conference express the belief that tills list will furnish the material. Desplt the fact that the conference 1 a church organization, there is much politic to be noticed. The delegates, tx.ta clerical and lay, are keeplnn tceir eves open, and while there is absolutely nothing of a definite nature given our. attention I called to some of the men mentioned. PREACHERS WERE BUSY.

The clerical delegates to the conference on i this city did not have an idle day. Many of the ministers' occupied pulpits in Birmingham in Protestant churches today or went to the uburbs. Appointments were filled In Birmingham. Avon-dale, Woodlawn. Pratt City.

Bessemer, Ensley and even at other places. Those who were not In the pulpits attended services at the First Methodist Church, which place the big auditorium and gallery were hardly larsce enough to accommodate the congregation. Bishop Charles B. Galloway of Mississippi will deliver a lecture at the Jeffer son Theatre on 'lnurstlay evening, iiay 10 on L. Q.

C. Lamar. Bishop Galloway is an eloquent speaker and is well thought of In this district, not ortiy in the church, but in other waits of life, and It Is believed the theatre will be comfortably filled. Bishop Galloway to-day dedicated a little church in North Birmingham. The building 1 of white bri.

and 1 a pretty structure in a growing manufacturing town. It was built about a year and a naif ago and is now growing rapidly In membership. This afternoon Rev. Shepherd, colored, a missionary to Africa, who has done much service in the work, delivered an addres at the First Methodist Church, and many delegates to the conference were present and gave attention. Rev.

Shepherd i a good talker. He 1 an huaible negro, but ardent In hi effort to perform the work "which he ha selected. VISIT OF VICE PRESIDENT. Arrangements which were made for Vice President C. W.

Fairbanks by the people of Birmingham, outside of the conference, promise to go astray. The conference bas fixed Friday night as the time for bearing from the fraternal delegates from the Episcopal Chorch. It waa Intended br the peopie of Birmingham that Mr. Fairbanks, who come here a lay delegate from the Methodist Episcopal Church. North, would talk before the conference la the morning.

In the afternoon It was proposed to have an open air or auditorium meeting, and at r.iht a banquet wit to have been given at the Hiilman Hotel. It Is not believed that Mr. Fairbanks could deliver his address before the conference and then leave immediately for the banquet, though it Is Intended to have a "cold water" bamquet for the distinguished guest. However, those who are In chAqiro believe that before next Friday, wlen the Vice President is to be here, the matter will have been satisfactorily arranged. Mr.

Fairbanks will be called on to deliver at least three speeches while jn Birmingham, including his conference address. There is a belief that he will make many friends In his ambition in the national political field. BUSIEST SESSION EVER HELD. Indications point to the present conference as being one of the busiest. If not the busiest, ever held bv the church.

say more than one delegate. There are many matter to come ud yet. and. if rumor are to be believed, the committee on Episcopacy will have a lengthy report to make, if that committee I willing to make a report. There seems to be no disposition to spread the Information to the world in retard to chartres against the heads of the church, and the blsbODs Stand verv hlh In the of the majority of the members of the conference.

Memorials, petitions and resolutions mint hereafter pass through the conference first before reaching the committees, Instead of being referred tn the conference through the committee. It will soon become necessary to eipedlte the business, though the conference is to continue for a fortnizht. and nsrhaos longer. LONGSHOREMEN ELECT OFFICERS The following officers have been elected by the colored longshoremen of the P. U.

B. A. to serve during the ensuing ysr: E. S. Swann.

president: Thomas Wall, first vice president; George Washington, second vice president; James Douglas, secretary; T. A. Robinson, assistant sec retary; II. J. Burns, treasurer: F.

II. Lewis, chairman financial committee; L. G. Johnson, chairman relief committee: J. W.

Martin, chairman banking commit tee; Nick arter. chaplain; Lphraiin Saunders, grand marshal; Peter wliiUs. first assistant marshal: G. W. McKlnney.

second assistant marshal: R. W. Orady ehslemsn of nercenrsve mmmlttoa 1 1. of Trustees: Walter Balle. B.

Jollcsr. E. W. Gordy. A.

Washington. J. V. Jack- T1 son. M.

Arnold. The union has over 14m) members. ALUMNI BAStlUET TO-NIGHT. Tbe Charity Hospital or Louisiana Alnmnl Aswwlaflon will give Its annual banquet at the Rathskeller, in St. Charles street, at 8 orlwl.

Speeches will be made and toasts rtrunii. ana tne grfn1 of ttie institution the memters own as tneir Aima siarer win im ois-uwi. Monday, May 7. A Word to Monday Shoppers. Don't forget the boy lie needs things as well as grown people and anything won't do.

Give a boy good clothes and he'll soon learn to take pride in them and that spells economy to the long-suffering parent. We keep only the sort of clothes any boy would be proud to wear. And the cost is no more than the shoddy kind that are rags in a month. LEON" GODCIIAUX CLOTHING Ltd. Canal Street, Corner Chartres.

JEW LAWS RECOMMENDED SECOND CLASS MAIL. FOR FwstrataMer General Saaarats As-pulataaeat of Cam salsa Io Declares the Extntlaa- Katte Are Very Mark Oat of Date Sosae rosflinir Wasuigtou, May 6. Itmaster General Corteiyou has rwtmmendeJ to Con gress liie at'oointment of a commission to ln.ii.ire into the subject of second-cla matter, with a view to ascertaining what modifications of the present second class law are necessary, the commiion to render Its report to Congress not later than 10, IWx la onler that ail interests shall be represented he has recommended that the consist of seven persona, and be made as follows: ne Senator iected by liie president of the Senate, oi.e representative selected by the Speak er of the House, one officer of the I'ost- of3ce lvpartment, selected by the Post master General, one representative of the publishers of daily newspapers, one representative of the publishers of week ly, semi-weekly and trl-weekly newspapers, au.1 one representative of the publishers of periodicais ami magaiines. The last three to be appointed by the President of the United States from among those recommended to him by representative associations of publishers of such newspapers and periodicals, and a seventh memler to be selected by the six, whose manner of selection is so specifically provided.

The commission will have the power to employ clerks and stenographers, administer oaths, send for persons and papers, and do all things necessary for the carrying out of Its objects. An appropriation of is asked to defray the cost of the Investigation. The Postmaster General, in his recent annual report, recommended, to Congress a thorough review of the whole subject of second-cla as mall matter, and the enactment of a statute to take the place of those existing which would render unnecessary the consideration of such questions as those upon which second-class matters now depend. In now recommending this commission the Postmaster General, in his communication to the Senate Committee on Poetofflees and Post Roads, says: "The existing statutes regulating second class of mail matter are out of date; they do not met modern requirements of the publishing Industry, and the admin istration of them unnecessarily and on reasonably hampers the publishers of bonifliie newspapers and periodicals. Aa an illustration of what Involved in administration it may be stated that the questioc of what is a bonlfide newspaper or ptmsiirii is one aoout wnicn there may be and often is much difference of op.

Clou. I same ia true of what const tures a known office or publication, what constitutes a publication originated and published for the dissemination of lnfor- uittioa of a public character, what is devoted to literature, the sciences, arts or some special industry what is a iegiti mat list of subscribers. All thesn questions, however, must be determined In each case before second class entry can be granted: but a publication having met all the conditions is positively prohibited admission If it be 'designed primarily for advertising purposes or for free circula tion, or for circulation at nominal rates. That such questions, especially the latter, are subtle and complex and ren der administration exceedingly difficult, scarcely need be stated." t.ven after tbe right of a publication to pass in the malls at the second class rate of postage hM been determined, there are atx different rates of postage applicable thereto when the matter is mailed by pubilsners ana news agents. and when mailed by the general public there in provided another a seventh rate.

EacH rate Is dependent upon the circ*mstances of time, place and manner of mailing the publication. Postmaster General Ci-rtelyou expresses the belief that such a commission, if arpointed, will be able to make recommendations to Congress which will result in the passage of a law that will be equitable to the publishers, relieve them from present auiiovaaces and restrictions, and at tbe same time protect the Interest of the for-ernment. MR- BELMONT PLEASED. Says rnhlielty BUI Is Made Strona-er hy Aaaendmenta. Washington.

May 8. -Perry Belmont was anked to-day what he thought of the proposed amendments to the publicity bill. He replied: "I believe the proposed amendments will Improve the bill, which already covers national and congressional committees, but did not provide for the publication of contributions and expenditures until the close of campaigns, while the amendments provide for publication both before and elections. As the principle or publicity Is preserver intact by the amendments, I am confident that no member of our orgaciaation will object to them." In Conference with President. Washington, May 6, Secretary Taft and Gn.

J. IT. Smith, Vice Governor of the Philippines, wno is in the United States on leave of were In conference with the President at the White House After his leave has ex pired Gen. Smith will return to the Philippines, snd In the early fall will become Governor on tbe retirement of Got. lde.

IJ'RITTI ABRAHAM ORDER. Tweatletn Aannal Convention Opened In New York. New Tork. May 6. The twentieth annual convention of the Independent Order Crlth Abraham began here with several hundred delegates in attendance.

Nominations for the various officer were made during th. day and will be voted on later. Grand Master Max Stern waa re-nominated without opposition. For first deputy grand master. Max Schmidt wat nominated without an opponent, tbe same being true of Grand Secretary Jacob Schoen and Endowment Treasnrer Henry Katcbelm.

Sareuel Weldorf, rrand master of the old order of B'rlth Abraham, delivered an xddress in which he said the two orders B'rlth Abraham are worklns harmony. He advocated tne order trnly Jewish and taking up all Jewish movements wherever found. He declared that this was the only way to Interest the young Jew. He concluded: rere are a few gentlemen down In Washington who think they represent all the Jews in this country, and they go to tbe President and tell him so. and he thinks they do.

and he gives them whatever they "want. But no one asks your order, which represents Jews in this country, what you think 'aUiut It. oecsue you don't ask yourselves. You haven't shown any laterest." Conference Jewish ha relies. Philadelphia.

May 6. The biennial meeting cf the National Conference of Jewish Charities, which brings together representatives of every Jewish charity of any Importance in the United States, wns formally opened to-rigM In this city and wi.l continue until Wednesday. Exportation of Macaroni. Washington. May 6.

The Department of to-day announced that inspec-lon of recent exrortations of niaccaronl. nood es and similar products has shown that these goods sometimes contsin chemical preservatives, such as norules. wUi -h regarded as injurious to health, and chat after June 1 neit no importation niaccaronl colored with martin yel-itow or other colors forbidden l.v the Italian law. or preserved with fhiorl.les other preservatives Injurious to health, will be permitted. RESCUE HOME CLOSED.

Sltter Sutphen of tbe New Orleans Mis sion of th Church of God announced last nicit that the rescue home of the ission at 1541 St. Roch avenue had been closed. Sister Surriben said that retnlar rreetii: cs would held every night In tbe week except Monday at Chartres and streets. Her headquarter are i3 Royal street. th be by thi lar a the to Army Engineers Begin Work 0 at San Francisco.

Siza of Charges of Explosive Have Ben Reduced. Soldier Badly Injured While Working On Wall Testerdaj Was First Daj of 0G3ciaI Rest Since Din after. Citj Office Beaeited Dnrisg tha Bi.j Manj Sightseers Throng tie Streets of uiaed Citj. Eaa Francisco, May 6. The Erst aci- dect in ouiioectiou with the dynamlt.

ng of dangerous walls by the engineers of the army occurred to-day. Smaller qum-tltiea of explosive thau were used last week are now being; fired, which Dexea Hates two or more charges of dyuanlte before the desired result Is attained. This morning the engineers were working In the downtown district. Twice bad dyoa mite been exploded under the arcade of a tall ruin, and a third charge was being Inserted when the wall fell. Three jol dlers were burled, but a mass of twisted Iron partly shielded them, and only one was seriously hurt.

This has been the first day of official rest that the city has bad sine the beginning of Its distress. All the municipal departments were closed, with the ex cepUon of the police stations and hospitals, and Franklin Hall, the seat of Baa Francisco's government, was desert- ad. The police hare had little or Dotting to encage their attention. Among the churches the same conditions prevailed as upon the preceding Sunday, open air it ices being the rule even where the buildings were unharmed. At Golden Gate Park the usual Sunday afternoon concert was given, and was attended by thousands.

That the people as a whole are beginning to look for some diversion was shown last night, when a crowd assembled to witness a vaudeville now In a ball In Fillmore street. The authorities, however, at the last moment refvsed to permit the performance. Two arrests for selllu- liquor were made to-day, and as an Indication of the determination to suppress the traffic In ln-' toxicants until the saloons are allowed to repon, one of the offenders was refused ball and the others' bond waa fixed at $5000. Coroner Walsh, after revising bis list of victims of lire snd earthquake. Informed Gen.

Greely that the total nnn.ber of cases bandied by bla officers was 319, of which 134 were identified and 1S5 unidentified. This report shows 89 fewer than given by a previous count. Toe streets of the burned district were thronged to-day with sightseers. Every train from nearby towns on the Peninsula, and every ferryboat In the bay counties was packed with people eager to get tteir first glimpse of the city's devastation. In expectation of the crush of people booths of street fakirs sprang up over along the curbs on the c'eaed street prepared to furnish refreshtier ta.

and mot-t of then enjoyed a profitable trade. In most Instances the booths w-irt. labelled with the of former faurtnifl hostclriea, jnd the lncourrulty of "hot fpnkfurtcrs. five cents," beneath the "Pe-Ince Hotel," provoked a Fmlie from each passerby. The work of construction and tearing down continued to-day ou all sides not-withstanding the Sabbath.

Several hundred frame buildings now appear among the destroyed structures, and foundations tre lxMug prepared f.r a many more. MONEY FOR THE TROOPS. Secretary Taft Places $300,000 at Disposal of Gen. Gre-ely. Washington, May 6.

Following representations made to the War Depart-ineut by Major Gen. Greely, Secretary Tart hss placed at the disposal of that officer an amount approximating I0 of the relief fnnd of appropriated by ingress for the relief of the Ban Francisco sufferers. With this money Geu. Greely will pay for supplies already purchased and others which are Deeded. Including fresh, meat, which be says is indispensable.

Supplies beret -fore Issued, including tetita from tte quartermaster's stores, and which bad been charted this appropriation of $3mha, will be returned to tte army and are available for future use. Mexico Will Send Money. Mexico, May 6. The law students cf this city are organlxing fetes, the proceeds of which will be forwarded to San Francisco for the relief of the earthquake aul fire sufferers there. Mme.

Wax wife of the President of the republic, will act at patroness of these entertalnmenta. The theatrical profession will co-operate lu making the affair a success. MeUdUta to Aid ta Relief. Ctlcago May 6 The Board cf Bishops cf the MethoJist Episcopal Church it yesterday's session of the semi-annual meeting took dednlte action toward furnishing relief to Methodist institutions 111 California. Bishop John W.

Hamilton of San Francisco was empowered to appoint a committee of rive to procure aid from Methodists throughout the world. All effort will be made to collect $750,000. STEEL FOR SAW FllAXCISCO. Report That American Mills Can Fill the Deaaad. Special to The Times-Democrat.

Chicago, May E. n. Gary, chairman of the Board of Directors of the United States Steel Corporation, lc talking on steel trade to-day said "The steel mills of this country will experience no difficulty In supplying San Francisco with all the steel the city needs for rebuilding. I suppose then" has been some Inquiry abroad for struc tural steel for use in San Francisco, bir the steel mills in Europe are busy, and I believe foreign shipments to tbe Pacific coast will not be larre. It will be tt lest six months before Ran Francisco Mill need any large amount of rtruetunl SI eel.

"Aiwint two weeka ago ws started mill In South Chicago, which is capabb of ont In the neUfaborhood of 15.000 tout of structural steel a monti This, of course, will clve some relieT Tbe orders on the books cf tte United States Stee! Corporation on the averago represent one year's operations t-1 our mills. Naturally, a larse amount of tonnage ealllag for dellverv this year will I carried over Into CHICAGO INSURANCE FAILURES. Camsaaiea Firkins; I Policies Ctu-rted by the Traders. Special to The Times Democrat. Chicago.

May 6 This wat a busy daj for the fire insurance companies other than tte Traders, which was plsced 1r the hands of a receiver yesterday on of the heavy losses sustained in the San Francisco tre. It was the first a Chicago to brihf In a pieiuium income of nearly Many A the competing companies hate More tliaa trebled their "uai ''-t saturcy. Ti.e.v ad.w lot to It to-day and the rush will keep up to-iiorrow. It la expected will be salvage la closing up tlie Sau Fran'-lsco losses now that the co cvnnr In tUc-bands of a receiver, i kiinnnts are likely to be disposed to acccji whatever ready ni.inev tnev itn ret oil th? company. company hjjlane In tne buds if npents La iven ruiirn; a'wost I but this proinb o.ii absorbed by the return premiums pai I out d.iri; tlie closing days on cancellations.

Last year i th- (oinpany reinsured more than 9 per cent of its entire luMn-s, ami on un I business an was'destrojed at Sau Frsn- Cisco the rooortton reinsurance wm c.i!.xi-I.-ri: Iv larger that. There may entaul-iniif growing out of as reinsurance c-uiipniifes, in of failure, will jay. under the usual cm-tracts, only such percentage of their proportion as the original company pays on its ciaima. LAWS WERE NOT ENFORCED. Fire I ranee Report on Haiardi San Fra iriseo.

Special to The Times Democrat. New York, May 6. In a report filed last winter on the ftructuril conditions and hazards of Kan Francisco, a committee of experts of the Natlo.u 1 Board of Fire Underwriters declared tiat, with two exceptions, none of the laws provided for the protection of proje-ty was enforced. "The laws are not forced in a thorough and Impartial in inner except the fire escape and and ill laws, and these are rlgidlr enforced. mring to the viril- auce of the fire depart eut." said the re- port The m.t iiiard violations were I ill In A 1 "ui i Niuurrs ou ex posed openings, erect and alteration or frame buildings wt hia the fire lim Its.

heights of parape a. remodeling of tores for theatres and roncert bails, and. In one crse, tLe e- tion of a frame then tre within the fire limits. it hin the lai.t year a three-story and imwuienc i.rica oiiiicnir mas allowed to oe constructed with -sails so thin that "hey are a menace to foblle safety. The roreg-oing violations are said to have been iletectecl and reported by the inspectors, out tnelr decision wen- overruled l.v the board.

The present of building In spectors is lniuiequsie to cover the territory in anything like a thorough man ner. Only one theatrt in the city conforms to the laws." About 1 per cent ol all the buildings in me city ana pet cent rr those In the bnslness section were of frame construction, and tbe co nmlttee. for that reason, riassea ban Francisco aa a wooden city. IROM AND 8TEEI SHIPMENTS. Abeat Mt.OOO Tons Material Seat Through New York.

Special to The Tiines-E mocrat. New York, May recorda In the exports of iron and ste 4 material through JSew Tork and other Atlantic seaboard points were eclipsed last month, when rlose on to SO.O'O tons were consigned to almost every part of tbe civilised world. Tbe heaviest increase was made In the shipment of st 1 billets, upward of 35.000 toaa having (one abroad during April, aa compared with 24,000 tons exported during the previous month. The major portion of theeo billets, however, re shipped back here In manufactured form. They are sold Were for export at a price around 18 at the mills, whereat the existing quotations for bllieta for domestic consumption a $27.

New York shipped almost three times more than Philadelphia and lore combined. Fully 20,000 tons of ast month's billet thlpments were consigned to Welsh mills, where thev are to be ml led int then In tin and reshipped here for the irnrDOM of k1n irKei importer or these tin plates Is the Standard Oil Cotr anv. which uses bout lUOAiiO tois ait- nsiir Th. u.r Trust Is also a heavy bayer of tin plates oade from tbe steel blilets shipped from mis country to Males. Although practically all the raw material useS in the taaking of these tin plites is of American origin, the tariff tolds them to be suojevt to a duty of 1 -2c per pound as the process of maklcj: them into 'tin riatee enhances tne vahe.

Tbe Standard Oil Company uses theie tin plates for with the rejrolt that a drawback la g.ven to it by the (jovernment cf the lull Import duty less 1 per cent. MINERS WILL GIVE Heady to Aarree to Three Years' Term of Renewed Work. Scranton, May Nothing developed to-day to disturb t5e general belief that a strike of the anthracite mine workers had been averted. Tiere seems to be every assurance that the scale committee of the organisation, whicH will go to New York early to-morrow rm-ning for a conference to-morrow afte-noon with the operators, will be assun-d by the latter that there will be do dlsc-lmlnatlon ahown ia case the men are ordered back to work, and that the teno tbe agieement Is to last will be readily a. reed ip-u.

The subscale committee is compoe; of President MlteL-11. the three district presidents and tae district secretr riea. Tbey will return to 'his city fron New York after the confereu-e to-morna afternoon, and '11I report t. the cx.n'ention Ttiesday at a Metsioo to 1 held la Music It is eipected that the convention Will ratifv th rrnnrt sn rnr. a resumpttrn of rk on Monday May 14, undt-r the award tbe anthracite strike commission.

While President MlbhH wonld prefer an agreement for two yei ra, botu he and the other members of Ue committee It Ih understo.1 will bow to the wishes of the operators sod accep: an agreement iur iuree years ii me latttr so desire it FOIL FT.AY Ilody of Wealthy Janaeu Bank ers' Son Fonad In Jersey-. New York, May Th body of Eljlro Nahano, the twenty -th ret -year-old son of a wealthy Japanese bini er, who disap- pearea rrom a hotel In this cltr. Anrli 2S waa found to-night In a creek running or i ween i erg-en and II idson counties. New Jersey. A reward of $jrX hat been offered for Information is to Nsliano't hereabouts.

He wat supposed to have naa in citan with him. Tonight only $1.86 wat fotind in bit clothing. His iuu mms mi D). aHano was wen near rairvew. the client of pni wnen neoispiayel a roll of bills.

STRIKE OF PLUMBERS. Sixty-Are Union Men Will Qolt at Nashville To. Day. Nashville, Maj Sixty-five union Journeymen and junior members, employed In lneteen shops, will strike here to-morrow, higher sages being demanded. The union is all Hated with the Nashville Council of th Structural Building Trades Alliance of Arierica.

and any attempt of the emplojert to work nonunion men on a job will result In all of the associate unlets the alliance quitting work, tte men declare. This Is new feature of labor conlitlons in the sympathetic strike not having heretofore figured. E-ward Rose water lor Senate. Special to The TiraesTKmoerat. Omaha, May --Edward Rose-water, editor of the Bee and the best known Republican prfitlclan in the West, will, on Morwlay uorning, in his own ce ii-apet, announce bit caniluary for the United States Senate, to sccceed Senator Mi.

lard. In his announcement Mr. Rosewater cslls at ten ion to the fact that be had advocated fr manv rears the principles n-w held by President Roosevelt. Mr. Rosewat is now in Rome, at the reoreser: of the United States at tae International Posta: Congress.

British Fleet la I 'ha Irrnn Bay. London, May A cIlspMtch to a news ttfency says that the B.l isii fleet under ice Admiral 1. Be. esford hat rived In I'halenoi Ban. ar- of In are of or at I PRESIDENT'S VIEWS Con tinned front Par Oat.

lngton, will also proceed when opportunity offers. The House will complete the naval appropriation bill this week, and If tbe Foreign Affairs Committee can get the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill ready In time, action also n.ay be taken on that measure. Aside from this character of legislation to-morrow Is to be devoted to the passage of bils under the auspenslon of tbe rnlea, and Friday la to be devoted to the passage of private pen don bills. A MYSTERIOUS KILLING. Man's Home Attacked by Mob Onto Man Killed.

NashTllle, May flL Melrln Win ters was shot and killed, and Thomaa Stewart and hia young daughter severely wounded during an affray at Stewart's home, near Pleasant (heatham county, last night. The cause of the snooting Is a mystery. A few day ago Stewart received a letter warning him that if be and his fam ily did not leave the neighborhood within ten day they would all be killed. About 11 o'clock Saturday night a mob surrounded Stewart bouse aud opened fire on It. and Stewart and his daughter were wounded.

Stewart returned the hots, and the mob scattered. This morning the body of Melvin Winter a tiiT slwinf flftv vards from Stewart's home, a load of 'hot having taken effect and evidently produced In stant death. The charge of shot which killed Winters was of number ten site, aad a number of gun wads for a weapon of that caliber re round in the wound. he gun usea by Stewart was No. 12 gaugi.

boerm Harper ana deputies went to tne scene or the snooting tnis morning, ana this afternoon returned with Jim Hunt, Eph Boyle and Newton Winters in custody. A charge of complicity in the mur der of Melvin Winters was placed against them. No explanation whatever can be secured to account for the action of the mob. nor has any light been to far shed on how Melvin Winters came to his death. Greenwall Theatre.

The performance yesterday at the Greenwall Theatre, which Will close the season Wednesday night. Is woefully dull, but fairly decent, until Just before the curtain Is rung down. Then a number ta put upon the stage which is scything but clean. This act. a dance by two women, is decidedly Indecent.

Harry Hastings' Black Crook, Company first presents a burlesque entitled "Dr. iiunyon Outdone," which contain several tuneful songs which are well rendered, but the spoken lines are prosy and the jokes should be retired upon old-age pensions. Amy Butler sing well. The last sketch "Caught In the Act contains some line whtcb are essentially vulgar, but they seem to meet with the approval of the Greenwall's cllentelle. Athletic Park.

The management at Athletic Fark will Introduce thi evening a new vaudeville bill at the Casino. This entertainment will have a number of novel features, tt. Leadline- being J. M. Noreross, Blalii and La Mar.

known throughout the country as the big three minstrels, the trio furnishing a minstrel ahow by themselves. There will be other festare on tbe programme, as will be seen from the following: Ilsrry Bewlev, chsrscter comedian; IV Veres ithreei. European acrobatic Dorsch and Russell, musical railroaders: Cooke and Clinton. lady expert rifle shots: Sansone and I'ilia, premier juggling and balaudtig artists The Casino entertainment will conclude with entlrelv new pictures given fhromra the moving picture machine. Calvert, and Flirhtlng the Flame, among the many out-1Mr attractions, will also In order this evening Am usual, the numerous concessions will In operation.

It is announced by the management that the your.g ladles employed In the stores of this city will be admttted to the park to-morrow (Tuesday! evening invitations, which will be distributed to-day and to-morrow. It is thought special night will prove a success. Lyrle Theatre. The programme to-day at the Lyric and this evening will lie a benefit performance tendered to II. Percy Mel Ion.

the popu stage director of the Baldwin Melville Stock Company. "The Octoroon." an Interesting dramatic production sill be given by the Baldwin-Melvll'e Stock Company at a matinee and nicht performance at the Lyric Theatre Monday. May 14. This will be a benefit performance tendered to the pop-nlsr actor. Thomas B.

Klndliy. who will r.pear in one of his good roles, that of IndHn. For the first time io many years the manager. Waiter S. Baldwin, ill also appear.

In the role of "The Auctioneer. Photogriph will be given the ladle In attendance at these I GARFIELD REPORT Continued front Page On. which the Standard OU Company enjoys, it would prove a great boon to many persona. Instead of profits going Into the coffers of the Oil Company yearly, a large part of that amount would go Into th pockets of the people of the United States. "With competition the prl-e of oil would be lower to tbe consumer, and at the same time the producer would get a fair market price for hia product, and would not, as now, have to take what th Standard offers him, according to its whims and the state of Its treasury.

"Many of the wells that are abandoned now In Western Pennsylvania and other place that can not now be worked at a profit would be started up again, for then the price of crude oil would Increased and the small wells, which under present conditions are lost forever, would be benefit to those who own the property on which they are located." Going further Into the effect, a free and open market without discrimination would have on conditions In thia neighborhood, Mr. Leo said: "There are still onditcovered pools o'l la Western Pennsylvania, Ohio and West VlrgXia, but they are not gone after because the coat of wild-catting ia so high that unless big wells are brought la tie re la no chance of those drilling getting back their money. Besides, many of those who would drill for oil would bring gas wells, and this, too, would be an ad ditlon to the wealth of the neighborhood and many people who can not now afford the luxury of natural gas In tbeir homes, and many of the manufacturing concerns that have to depend on coal, would use the fluid from th earth. "When went Into business fifteen year ago tt was freely predlci ed that we would not last long, but we eem to have gotten along pretty well. We bow have two pipe line to the sea boa rd, one to West Virginia, Other way In which thi country would be benefited would be that.

with more Independent producers, ther would be more work with the organisation of new oil companies. Refineries would be created here aa tbey were In the old days before they were dismantled by the Standard." CELEBRATE) SILVER. WEDDING. Mr. and Mm.

Edward IIol land En tertain at Tbelr Home. Mr. and Mr. Edward Holland cele brated the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage with a silver wedding at their home. 1S23 Seeenth stree Saturday evening.

Many friends gathered to con gratulate them. Among the guests were many member of the police department, and especially Mr. Holyland's associates In the detective department. A marked feature of the occasion was the presentation by hi friends and asMw-lates In the department of a handsome silver service, consisting of a full set of knives, fork and spoons. John I- Felin In a happy speech made the presentation on behalf of the members of the department.

Mr. Feliu extended the hearty congratula tions of those present and those who de sired to be present on the hippy occasion. Many handsome presents we-e received by the happy couple. The home was dec-orsted with' flags snd potted iilants. Among the guests were Thomas Zim-mermann, W.

J. Keenan. W. He.on, W. Ross.

J. Laimann, Fred Hufft. Miss Inea II leaner. Miss O'Shauchnessy, Mr. and Mr.

C. J. Cateniero, Mrs. W. Sanders, Mr.

and Mrs. F. Wang, Mr. and Mrs. HrlfhofT.

Mr. and Mrs. Fidel Aragon, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Aragorl.

Mtssrs. Butts and Lain. Miss Anna I'ulf. Mr. and Mr.

Hanson and Messrs. Reynolds, Dan-totiio. Dale. Paderas and Jamet P. Glynn of the department.

TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY. The Toung Men's Social and Benevolent Association of Al iers celebrated its twentieth anniversary with a parade and banquet yestydav. The mem ters assembled at Pythian Hall, at o'c oek in the afternoon, and. headed by a brass band, paraded the principal street of Algiers, returning to the Pythian Hall, where a banquet waa served at fl o'clock. John W.

Brooke was grand marshal, and hi aides were the following: Thomaa Foster, W. niatr. T. McGlvney. James Foster, H.

D. French. Phil. Haeg. II.

Acker, George Foster. K. Anderson, George Peterson. Charles Hantei. A.

Dupnls. William Mahonev, Joseph Amani, William Ionner and George Bmnssan. The officers of the association follow: L. F. Gisch.

president; Henry Holt, vice president: C. A. Sutherland, reeorling secre-irv; H. F. rarer, financial secretary; Louis Acker, treasurer.

FIRED THREE'S HOT. Joseph Seeler and Arthur Taylor had a difficulty Saturday night at Magnlne and General Taylor streets, during which Seeler drew a revolver and fired rhree shots at Taylor, after which be mde his es-cspe. Tsylor was not Injured. lie was afterwards arrested SEVENTH ANNUAL PICNIC. Sunny South Lodge No.

211. Brother hood of Railroad Trainmen, entertained 1 its member and their friends at Its seventh rlcnle yesterday at Brunlux Pavilion, West End..

The Times-Democrat from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


What is the biggest newspaper in New Orleans? ›

New Orleans

only one major daily, the Times-Picayune. The city also has weekly newspapers, trade publications, college journals, and regional magazines of considerable circulation.

Is New Orleans a democratic town? ›

New Orleans remained Democratic, electing Mitch Landrieu as mayor in February 2010.

Who is the congressman in New Orleans Louisiana? ›

Troy A. Carter | | Library of Congress.

What is the newspaper of record in New Orleans? ›

The Times-Picayune/The New Orleans Advocate is an American newspaper published in New Orleans, Louisiana. Ancestral publications of other names date back to January 25, 1837.

What is the most highly respected newspaper in the country? ›

The New York Times

The Times has won more Pulitzer prizes than any other news organization and remains No. 1 in overall reach of U.S. opinion leaders.

What is the most common newspaper? ›

Wall Street Journal

Is Louisiana Republican or Democrat? ›

Like many southern states, Louisiana voted Democratic from Reconstruction through World War II. Although perceived as solidly Republican today (Donald Trump won by nearly 20% over Joe Biden in 2020), Louisiana has voted Democratic three times since 1976 when the nominee of that party was a Southern governor.

What is the racial makeup of New Orleans? ›

The Population

According to EMSI population data, New Orleans is more racially diverse than the U.S. as a whole. In 2021, an estimated 59% of the population in New Orleans is Black, while 31% are White non-Latino/a/x, 4% are White Latino/a/x, and 3% are Asian.

What was New Orleans originally called? ›

The name of New Orleans derives from the original French name (La Nouvelle-Orléans), which was given to the city in honor of Philippe II, Duke of Orléans, who served as Louis XV's regent from 1715 to 1723.

Who are the Republican senators in Louisiana? ›

Its current senators are Republicans Bill Cassidy and John Kennedy. Russell Long was the state's longest serving senator, served 1948–1987.

Who is the senator for New Orleans? ›

U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana.

Who are the 6 House of Representatives for Louisiana? ›

Current representatives
  • 1st district: Steve Scalise (R) (since 2008)
  • 2nd district: Troy Carter (D) (since 2021)
  • 3rd district: Clay Higgins (R) (since 2017)
  • 4th district: Mike Johnson (R) (since 2017)
  • 5th district: Julia Letlow (R) (since 2021)
  • 6th district: Garret Graves (R) (since 2015)

What is the largest newspaper in Louisiana? ›

The Advocate is Louisiana's largest daily newspaper. Based in Baton Rouge, it serves the southern portion of the state. Separate editions for New Orleans, The Times-Picayune | The New Orleans Advocate, and for Acadiana, The Acadiana Advocate, are published.

What type of newspaper is Le Monde? ›

Le Monde is a major French daily newspaper offering French and international news on politics, the economy, culture and the environment. Published since 1944, it is an influential newspaper that has consistently been one of the most broadly distributed French newspapers in France and globally.

Why is the New Orleans newspaper called The Times Picayune? ›

The newspaper The Picayune was established in New Orleans in 1837, and named for how much it cost: a picayune was 6.25 cents, or one-sixteenth of a dollar.

Is Le Monde a daily newspaper? ›

Le Monde | Paris, France, daily newspaper | Britannica.

What is magazine street known for in New Orleans? ›

A shopper's paradise, Magazine Street is six miles of shopping, food, and fun. Nestled mainly in Uptown New Orleans but also stretching through the Lower Garden District and into downtown, there's a mix of vintage stores, grab-and-go restaurants, bakeries, novelty shops, bars, and fine dining.

What is the big newspaper called? ›

A broadsheet is the largest newspaper format and is characterized by long vertical pages, typically of 22.5 inches (57 cm). Other common newspaper formats include the smaller Berliner and tabloid–compact formats.


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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.