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Pharmaceutical applications Infectious agents, vaccines and therapy Characterization, a n d Induction o f Phenylalanine Ammonia-lyase Isoforms from Elicitor-treated Cell Suspension Cultures. Plant Physio11990, 92:447~i56. KERRGP, CARTERJV: Relationship Between Freezing Tolerance o f Root-Tip Ceils and Cold Stability o f Mlcrotubules in Rye (secale-Cereale L CV Puma). Plant Physio11990, 93:77-82. KHANAA~PRUSINSK]J: Kinetic Enhanced 1aminocydopropane-l-~trboxylic Acid Utilization During Alleviation o f High Temperatures Stress i n Lettuce Seeds. Plant physio11989, 91:733-737. KP,ISHNAMURTHYR, BHAGWATKA~Polyamines as Modulators o f Salt Tolerance in Rice Cultivars. Plant Physio11989, 91:500-505. LAROSAPC, SINGHNI~ HASEGAWAPM, BRESSANRA: Stable NaCI Tolerance of Tobacco Cells is Associated with Enhanced Acenmulation o f Osmotin. Plant Physio11989, 91:855-861. LOGEMANNJ, SCHELLJ: Nucleotide Sequence and Regulated Expression o f a Wound-inducible Entatn Gene ( w u n l ) . Mol Gen Genet 1989, 219:81~8. MARA~AC, GARCIA-OLMEDOF, C~qBONEROP: Differential Expression o f Two Types of Sucrose SynthaseEncoding Genes in Wheat i n Response to Anaerobiosis, Cold Shock and Light. Gene 1990, 88:167-172. OHSHIMAM, ITOHH, MATSUOKAM, MURAKAMIT, OHASHIy: Analysis o f Stress-induced or Sallcyclic Acidinduced Expression o f the Pathogenesis-related l a Protein Gene in Transgenic Tobacco. Plant Cell 1990, 2:95-106. REGGIANIR, HOCHKOEPPLERA, BERTANI& Polyamines i n Rice Seedlings Under OxYSen-deficit Stress. Plant Phys/o/1989, 91:1197-1201. SENARATNAT, MCKERSIEBD, BOWLEYSR: Desiccation Tolet-aJlce o f AIf~lf~ (Medicago Sativa L) Somatic Embryos. Influence o f Abscisic Acid, Stress Pretreatments and Drying Bates. Plant Sci 1989, 65:253. STEFFENKL, PALTAJP: Growth and Development Temperature Influences Level o f Tolerance to High Light Stress. Plant Physio11989, 91:1558-1561. TANAKAK, MACHIDAT, SUGIMOTOT: Ozone Tolerance and Glutathione Reductase i n Tobacco Cultlvars. Agric Biol G~om1990, 54:1061 1062. TEPPERMANJM, DUNSMUmP: Transformed Plants with Elevated Levels o f Chloroplastic SOD ace n o t More Resistant to Superoxide Toxicity. Plant Mol Bio11990, 14:501-512. VANCENC, COPESDO, ZAERRJB: Differences i n Proteins Synthesized i n Needles o f Unshaded and Shaded Pinus-ponderosa Vat Scopulorum Seedlings During Prolonged Drought. Plant Pbysio11990, 92:1244-1248. WERETILNYKEA, HANSONAD: Molecular Cloning of a Plant Betaine~aldehyde Debydrogenase, an

Enzyme Implicated i n Adaptation to Salinity and Drought. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1990, 87:2745-2749. WINGD, KONCZC, SCHELLJ: Conserved Function i n Nicottana-tabacum o f a Single Drosophlla-hsp70 Promotor Heat Shock Element w h e n Fused to a Minimal T-DNA Promoter. Mol Gen Genet 1989, 219:9-16. ZIMMER~ANJl~ APUYAN, DARW1SHK, O'CAI~OLLC: Novel Regulation o f Heat Shock Genes During Carrot Somatic Embryo Development. Plant Cell 1989, 1:1137-1146.

Molecular biology of plant development BENFEYPN, TAKATSUJ1H, REN L, SHAHDM, CH[JA NH: Sequence Requirements o f the 5Enolpyruvylshtkimate-3-Phosphate Synthase 5'Upstream Region for Tissue-Specific Expression i n Flowers and Seedlings. Plant Cell 1990, 2:849~856. BROOTHAERTSWJ, VANLAERE& W~'ITERSR, PRRAIJX G, DEco*ckB, VANDAMMEJ, VENDINGJC: Purification and N-terminal Sequencin s of Style Glycoproteins Associated with Selfincompatibility in Petunia Hybrlda. Plant Mol Biol 1990, 14:93-102. CONKUNGMA, CHENGCI0 yAMAMOTOYT, GOODMANHM: Isolation o f Transcriptionally Regulated RootSpecific Genes from Tobacco. Plant Pbysio11990, 93:1203-1211. FENDERSE, OCONNELEM& Expression of the Heat Shock Response in a Tomato interspecific Hybrid is n o t intermediate B e t w ~ n the 2 Parental Responses. plant Physio11990 , 93:1140-1146. FENGX-H, DUBESK, BOTTINOPJ, KUNGS-D:Restoration of Shooty Morphology o f a Nontumorous Mutant Of Ntcotlana Glauca x N Langsdor:O~ by Cytoktntn and the lsopentyltransferase Gene. Plant Mol Bio11990, 15:407-420. G l ~ PM, CHUANH: Localization of a Phytochrome-Responslve Element Within the Upstream Region n f Pea RbcS-3A. Mol Cell Biol 1990, 10:5565-5568. GLOUDEMANST, BISSEL1NGT: plant Gene Expression i n Early Stases of Rb/zob/un~legume Symbiosis. Plant Sci 1989, 65:1-14. HAJELARI~ HORVATHDP, G1LMOURSJ, THOMASHOWME: Molecular Cloning and Expression o f Cot (ColdRegulated) Genes i n Arabidopsis-Thallana. Plant PbyM0/1990, 93:1246-1252. HENFREYRD, PROUDFOOTLMF,COVEYSN, SLATERRJ: Identification Control of an Inhibitor of Transcription i n Extracts Prepared from Wheat Shoot Nuclei. Plant Sci 1989, 64:91-98.

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Pharmaceutical applications Infectious agents, vaccines and therapy Related review: Vaccines (pp 215-219) AKERBOLMI~ H1NKtRAJ, BROLIDENPA, MAKITALOB, FRIDBERGERT, ROSENJ, VILIACRESERIgSSONM, MOREINB, WAHRENB: Neutralizing Cross-reactive and Nonneutralizing Monoclonal Antibodies to HIV-1 Gp120. A/DS 1990, 4:953-960. ADAGL The lmmtmologlcal Principles o f O@ Vaccination. Modern Vaccines Edited by Moxon F~ London: Edward Arnold 1990, :8-23. [4]. AGARWALRP, BUSSOME, MIANAM, RESNICKL: Uptake o f 2", 3"-dideoxyadenosine i n Human Immunedeficieney Virus-infected and Nonf l l f e ( ~ Hllman C~lls. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 1989, 5:541-550. AGTERBERGM, ADRIAKNSEH, BARTELINGS, VANMAANENK, TOMMA~ENJ: Protection of Guinea-Pigs Against Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus by Immunization with a PhoE FMDV Hybrid Protein. Vaccine 1990, 8:438-440.

AGTERBERGM, ADPdAANSEH, IANIqMOFH, MELOENR, TOMMASSENJ: Outer Membrane PIloE Prote~n o f Escbetqdb~ CoH as a Carrier for Foreign Antigenic Determinants: Immunogenicity o f Epitopes of Foot-and-mouth Disease Virus. Vaccine 1990, 8:85. AGURZ: Clinical Trials of Zldovudine i n HIV Infection [letter]. Lancet 1989, ii:1400. AHMEDZU, SARKERi l ~ SACKDA: Protection o f Adult Rabbits and Monkeys for Lethal Shigellosis by Oral Immunization w i t h a T h y m i n e - r e q ~ g and Temperature-sensitive Mutant o f Sh/gel/a M Y . Vaccine 1990, 8:153-158. AKESSONp, COONEYJ, K1SHIMOTOF, BJORCKI~ Prntein-H - a Novel IgG Binding Bacterial Protein. Mol Immunol 1990, 27:523-531. ALEKANDROVAGI, MAASSABHE, KENDALAP, MEDVEDEVA TE, EGOROVAY, KLIMOVAI, COX NJ: Laboratory Properties o f Cold-adapted Influenza B Live Vaccine Strains Developed i n the US and USSR, and Their B/Ann A r b o r / I / 8 6 Cold-adapted R e ~ s o r t a n t Vaccine Candidates. Vaccine 1990, 8:61 64.

ALLENME, HOBBSJN, PRESTONDA, TURNERJR, WU CYE: Antibacterial Properties of the Ricyclic Pyrazolidinones. JAnHbiot (Tokyo) 1990, 43:92-99. ALVINGCR, RICHARDSR[~ Llpo6omes Containing Lipid-A a Potent Nontoxic Adjuvant for a Human Malaria Sporozoite Vaccine. Immunol Lett 1990, 25:275-280. A2qANI)R, NAYYARS, GALVINTA, MERmLCR, B1GELOWLB: Sodium Pentosan Polysulfate (PPS), an AntiHIV Agent Also Exhibits Synergism with AZT, Lymphoproliferate Activity, and Virus Enhancement. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 1990, 6:679~690. ANDERSRF, SMYTHEJ& Pol~morphie Antigens i n tq.asmo~um-falctparum. Blood 1989, 74:1865-1875. AM)REFE: Overview o f a 5-year Clinical Experience with a Yeast*derived Hepatitis B Vaccine. Vaccine 1990, 8 (suppl):S74~78. ANONYMOUS:Peptide Regulatory Factors. Lancet 1989, il:1468. ANONYMOUS:IIIV Vaccines-L AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 1990, 6:35-38. ANONYMOUS:HIV Vaccines-ll. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 1990. 6:39-44.

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Cytokines Related review: Colony-stimulating factors and cytokine receptor network (pp 227-237) ABRAMSJS, RAYNERAA, WmRNIKPH, PARKn~SONDR, EISENBERGERM, ARONSONFR, GUCALPR, ATKINSMB, HAWKINSMJ: High-Dose Recombinant Interleukin2 Alone - a Regimen w i t h Limited Activity i n the Treatment of Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma. J Natl Cancer Imt 1990, 82:1202-1206. ADACI~N, TSUCHIYAH, NUNO1H, HIGUCHIS, AKABC~F~l, CrlIKA~WAS: rhG-CSF for Shwachman's Syndrome [letter]. Lancet 1990, 336:1136. ADOLFGR, MAURER-FOGYI, KAISNERI, CANTELLK: Purification and Characterization of Natural Human Interferon ¢0 1. Two Mternative Cleavage Sites for the Signal Peptidase. JBiol ~ 1990, 265:9290-9295. AEB1M, FAHJ, HURTN, SAMUELCE, THOMISD, BAZZIGHERI~ PAVLOWCJ, HAH~RO, STAEHELIP: cDNA Structures and Regulation o f Two Interfecon-induced Human Mx Proteins. Mol Cell Bio11989, 9:5062-5072. A~GORENAS, BONNEROTC, FRIDMANWH, TEILLAUDJl2 Recombinant Interleukin 2-Activated Natural Killer Cells Regulate lg82A ProduCtion. EurJ Immuno11990, 20:1781-1787. ANDEESONDM, LYMANSD, BAIRDA, WIGNALLJIM,EISENMAN OU J, RAUCHC, MARCHCJ, BOSWELLS, GIMPELSD, COSMAN D, WILLIAMSDE: Molecular CAnning o f Mast Cell Growth Factor, a Helnatopotetin that is Active i n Both Membrane Bound and Soluble Forms. Ce/l 1990, 63:235-243. [10]. ANONYMOUS:Fwythropoietin Reaches the pharmacy [editorial]. Lancet 1989, 11:1252-1253. ANO~OUS: Plbroblast Growth Factors: Time to Take Notes [editorial]. Lancet 1990, 336:777. ANONYMOUS:Incidence o f Response and Long-term Follow-up i n Patients w i t h Hairy Cell Leukemia Treated w i t h Recombinant Interferon ~-2a [letter]. a/00d 1990, 76:1055. ANTINJH, WEtNBERGDS, ROSENTHALDS: Variable Effect of Human Recombinant Granulocyte Macrophage Colony-stimulating Factor o n Bone Marrow Fibrosis i n Patients w i t h Myelodysplasla. Exp Hemato11990, 18:266-270. ATZPODIENJ, KORFERA, FRANKSCR, POL!WODAH, KIRCHNERH: Home Therapy w i t h Recombinant Interleukin-2 and Interferon- Alpha-2B i n Advanced Human Malignancies. Zancet 1990, 335:1509-1512. AULrrZ~WE, AUHTZKYWK, FroCKJ, HEROLDM, GASTLG, TILGH, BERGERM, HUBERC: Treatment o f Cancer Patients w i t h Recombinant Interferon- Gamma induces Release of Endogenous Tumor Necrosis Factor- Alpha. lmmunobtology 1990, 180:385-394. BACONKB, CAMPRDl~ Interleuktn (ll)-8-Induced Invitro Human Lymphocyte Migration is

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Pharmaceutical applications


- Miscellaneous

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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