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Lompoc Record
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
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Lompoc Aquatic Center closed for maintenance
Hundreds turn out for Lompoc PD night cruise as weekly Old Town Market concludes
Cabrillo football team has some continuity heading into 2024 season
'Do not consume' advisory issued for sport harvested shellfish
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Lompoc City Council member Jim Mosby poses for a picture in 2020 with one of his campaign signs on East Ocean Avenue as early election returns come in. Mosby will face off against sitting mayor Jenelle Osborne for a third time in November, along withnewcomer Lydia Perez.
- Len Wood, Contributor
SYV Lifestyles Editor
Lisa Andre
Lompoc's election filing deadlineclosed Friday with the exception of District 1, the only seat that was granted an Aug. 14 filing extension due to incumbent Councilwoman Gilda Aiello not filing for reelection, the City announced Friday evening.
Lisa Andrécovers lifestyle andlocal news for the Santa Ynez Valley News and Lompoc Record, editions of the Santa Maria Times. She can be reached at
- Elections
- Local-news
- Local-government
- Lompoc
- City Of Lompoc Election Filings
- Jenelle Osborne
- James Mosby
- Gilda Cordova
- Gilda Aiello
- District 1 Seat
- Steve Bridge
- Lydia Perez
- Jeremy Ball
- Lompoc City Council
- State Governments Of The United States
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Lisa Andre
SYV Lifestyles Editor
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Lompoc filing deadline closes, District 1 extended, Mosby returns for mayoral run
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